Bring back the People nlighten. I'm not sure why i chose that title besides the fact that it's what I'm feeling at the moment. Enlightenment. But to the point. If you are still unaware of the purpose of this site then this is it: This is my attempt to bring us, now spread around the world in fucked up places, a step closer together. It will let us share a part of our lives with everyone else without having to write emails to every single person about a single event. And even if you got nothing important enough to write an email about, you can stick that bullshit right over here! On the site I have included a message board. Write whatever you want, about whatever you want. The more often you check the board, and the more often you write shit, the faster we can get this going. Hopefully this will work and people will be motivated to come back. All you need to do is click on the message board link, then enter the information it asks for in the fields, write your message, and submit. Simple. So don't come complaining to me about how you can't work that shit out. One more thing. If you guys want this site to expand, tell me and we'll see if we can work something out to make it bigger and better. Right now the sole purpose is to host the message board. HERE is an alternate form of the message board. Tell me if you like this one better. The only downside to this one is that everyone needs to register as a user to use it. |